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类型:科幻 恐怖 动作



更新:2018-02-09 23:56:22

简介:Its Jaws meets Saw! A wealthy sadist traps a group of complete strangers on his secluded island compound... The group are forced into a horrifying gauntlet where they must fight for their lives against a relentless onslaught of man-eating sharks - each species more vicious than the last. Who will untlet where they must fight for their lives against a relentless onslaught of man-eating sharks - each species more vicious than the last. Who will survive..?Its Jaws meets Saw! A wealthy sadist traps a group of complete strangers on his secluded island compound... The group are forced into a horrify…
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Its Jaws meets Saw! A wealthy sadist traps a group of complete strangers on his secluded island compound... The group are forced into a horrifying gauntlet where they must fight for their lives against a relentless onslaught of man-eating sharks - each species more vicious than the last. Who will untlet where they must fight for their lives against a relentless onslaught of man-eating sharks - each species more vicious than the last. Who will survive..?Its Jaws meets Saw! A wealthy sadist traps a group of complete strangers on his secluded island compound... The group are forced into a horrifying gauntlet where they must fight for their lives against a relentless onslaught of man-eating sharks - each species more vicious than the last. Who will survive..?


Its Jaws meets Saw! A wealthy sadist traps a group of complete strangers on his secluded island compound... The group are forced into a horrifying gauntlet where they must fight for their lives against a relentless onslaught of man-eating sharks - each species more vicious than the last. Who will untlet where they must fight for their lives against a relentless onslaught of man-eating sharks - each species more vicious than the last. Who will survive..?Its Jaws meets Saw! A wealthy sadist traps a group of complete strangers on his secluded island compound... The group are forced into a horrifying gauntlet where they must fight for their lives against a relentless onslaught of man-eating sharks - each species more vicious than the last. Who will survive..?